E-Learning Platform
for Sustainability
Together for Sustainability – Future-Readyness – Enkelfähigkeit®. We empower future and active entrepreneurs and business owners, supervisory and advisory board members and executives to create a sustainable future for generations to come.
Sustainability is THE topic of our time. The transformation to sustainability in society and the economy knows only one direction: forward!
That is why the message from national and European policymakers to companies is clear.
In the future, capital market-oriented companies in all sectors will have to fulfill statutory transparency obligations. At the same time, investors and fund managers are increasingly tying their investments to ESG criteria and sustainability reports in order to assess the adaptability and sustainability of companies.
The pressure on companies to act sustainably – and to do so sustainably – is increasing.
However, in order to drive personal and corporate sustainability transformation, qualification and knowledge building around sustainability, legal guidelines and reporting requirements is essential.
The Board Academy aims to prepare existing and prospective supervisory and advisory board members for board work. A sustainability-oriented perspective on progressive board work and a corresponding qualification of the board members with regard to sustainability must not be missing. If the sustainability transformation is to succeed, this also applies to the qualification of employees at all hierarchical levels of a company.
Together with our partner XU Group, we have therefore launched The Academy – Platform for Sustainability, an e-qualification and e-information platform on the subject of sustainability. Entrepreneurs, active and future board members, managers and employees have the opportunity to receive comprehensive, targeted and flexible training and certification.
Scroll down to find the right offer.
The Academy – Platform for Sustainability in numbers
more than
cross-sector and interactively designed courses
more than
accompanying learning material
more than
for Live-Sessions
Interactive courses and Masterclasses at university level
For our customers we offer a specially selected and “Certified Stustainability Executive Masterclass”. It includes several modules, accompanying learning content in the form of articles and podcasts as well as live sessions.
In this Masterclass you will get an overview of the most important concepts and terms as well as insights into the three dimensions of sustainability (ecological, economic and social sustainability“) and their key challenges. You will also learn which aspects and fields of action are particularly relevant for companies. After successfully completing the Masterclass you can be certified as a “Certified Sustainability Executive”.
You are also welcome to attend and complete additional courses. We reward this in the form of certificates of attendance.
To ensure that you are always up to date on the subject of sustainability we also offer Content as a Service (CaaS). This means that we regularly update all learning content and provide you with the latest content in the news feed on your dashboard.
Of course, the learning experience platform is accessible on all mobile devices, certified and compliant with ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and TISAX.
Who is the Academy – Platform for Sustainability aimed at?
Certification course
Participants in future certification courses will have an additional module on their way to becoming certified supervisory and advisory board members in the form of the Platform for Sustainability’s e-Qualification and e-Information program.
As part of the certification course, participants will have unlimited access to all of our content for one year and will go through the Masterclass “Certified Stustainability Executive Masterclass” in a targeted manner.
The Masterclass imparts in-depth sustainability knowledge through self-study (6h) and two online sessions of 1h each with top-class experts. The certificate “Certified Sustainability Executive Masterclass” confirms the knowledge and skills in the field of sustainability at the end.
Purchase annual licence
The Academy – Platform for Sustainability offers you certified learning content on a learning experience platform focused on one of the most relevant competences of the future: sustainability.
You have chosen to purchase an annual license including certification for only 498 Euros (plus VAT)! Enter your payment information in the form and receive an invoice for a one-year license for The Academy – Platform for Sustainability.
Do you have any questions about invoicing? Our support team is available from 8am to 6pm, Monday through Friday. Send an email to sos.billing@xu.de or call our hotline: +49 30 992 1190 05.
Qualify in relevant sustainability skills and start your sustainability transformation!
Your Customer Support Team
Individual enterprise solutions for companies
For companies that want to enable their employees and perhaps even customers, partners and service providers to go through the sustainability transformation, the XU Group develops individualized and scalable continuing education programs on the topic of sustainability that are specifically customized for the company. Due to the modular offer system, the XU Group can design and implement offers for the most diverse further education scenarios. The respective company determines which modules from XU’s 360-degree portfolio are needed and fit in the organization. All this with the company’s logo and colors – modular, scalable and quickly ready for use.
A customized offer can be created from the following modules:
- Online learning platform with individual look & feel
- Individualized certificates
- Specialized content
- Online live sessions with top-class experts
- Various engagement activities
The Board Academy and XU Group look forward to working with you to drive and develop sustainable transformation.
Test the online education platform now for 10 days free of charge!
Education for all: Discover the learning of the future with the free 10-day trial of XU Group's online education platform! Test nowAnd last but not least: Who is actually the XU Group?!
XU starts exactly where the future is created and driven: with people and their potential. For the economy, employees with new future competencies are a key success factor. With innovative upskilling and reskilling formats, XU’s online education & exchange platform offers scalable and sustainable (further) education solutions that enable companies and their employees as well as individuals to grow exponentially beyond themselves.
With our online education & exchange platform, we train the employees and talents of today in the skills of tomorrow. The focus is on the megatrends of digitalization, e-mobility and sustainability. Our interactive online qualification programs optimally prepare companies and their employees for the future.
With our online education & exchange platform we train today’s employees and talents in the skills of tomorrow. The focus is on the megatrends of digitalization, e-mobility and sustainability. Our interactive online qualification programs optimally prepare companies and their employees for the future.
Board Partners GmbH
Landsberger Str. 346
D-80687 Munich
+49 89 51 55 54 42